Suggestions for use of TCR email lists (August 2, 2020)
TCR Owners List (contains just homeowners)
Might be used for—
Board business—agendas, minutes, financial statements
Committee business—Fast Tracks and other architectural requests, discussions of rules and regs, budget and maintenance issues
Anything that is in the purview of owners, but not of non-owner residents or non- residents
TCR Residents List (contains homeowners + others living at TCR)
Might be used for—
Prospective truck use
Notification that guests are coming to the common property—fishing, hiking, etc.
Lost and found
Workday plans
Dissemination of rules and regs
Whodunits—TCR mysteries
TCR Everyone List (contains homeowners, non-owner residents, some adult children who don’t live here anymore)
Might be used for—
Invitations—qigong, pickleball, SSSS
Sharing—general interest articles, photos, wildlife sightings, garden surplus, tickets offered
As requested by some members, when using the lists you will now need to choose “Reply” or “Reply all”, depending on what you deem appropriate. Please consider being inclusive for emails regarding community business, so that everyone stays in the loop. For instance, the Fast Track process was designed to take the place of a meeting, so it would probably be most appropriate to use “Reply all” as it is often helpful to see how others have replied, especially those who will be most affected.